Commemorative Bucks of Michigan (CBM) is the official record keeper of Michigan’s trophy deer, bear, elk, and turkeys. As the official record keeper, CBM maintains a network of trained measurers across the state of Michigan that measure trophy animals, maintains the records of Michigan’s trophy class big game animals, and recognizes the trophies in publications and events.


CBM is dedicated to collecting and maintaining the records of selected data on legally taken trophy class big game animals. It also accumulates, evaluates, and statistically organizes the above data to provide Michigan hunters, outdoorsman and interested organizations with the information on where trophy class big game have been known to exist, what types of habitat they frequent and the most successful hunting techniques. As the official record keeper of Michigan big game trophy records for deer, bear, elk and turkey,

CBM organizes and conducts competition among licensed hunters of the above game animals, and provides non-monetary, low value awards to the hunters harvesting those trophies, and publishes the Michigan Big Game Records book, showing all big game trophies on record. In addition, it promotes the publication of articles, photos, and selected data in other states to inform outdoorsman, photographers, and hunters about Michigan’s trophy class big game, and assists and cooperates with governmental conservation departments and other sportsman organizations to achieve its objectives.



CBM was founded in 1981 by Paul Jalon and a small group of dedicated sportsman who saw the need for a state record keeping organization for big game animals. After obtaining permission to use the Boone and Crockett scoring system, they began scoring and maintaining records on Michigan’s Deer, and built the foundation of the organization we know today CBM began scoring Black Bear in 1983, Elk in 1985, and Turkey in 1981. Over the years, CBM has built up a network of over 2000 members and 100 measurers, and now maintains over 35,000 records.


CBM holds an Annual Awards Banquet to award prizes to the annual 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in over 133 categories, and in special categories for Youth, Seniors, and Women.

CBM also holds board meetings and fund raising banquets, and maintains a presence in several other meetings and shows across the state. For an overview of events which CBM will attend, please review our calendar.


CBM enjoys the support of a large number of individuals and organizations that have contributed goods and services over the years. Lists of past sponsors can be found here.



For a more detailed overview of the structure of CBM, please see the Commemorative Bucks of Michigan Bylaws.